Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

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Week 12 Assignment Self Reflection Paper_Human Relations

Week 12 Assignment Self Reflection Paper_Human Relations

Q The goal of this paper is to encourage students to reflect on the role that culture plays in various aspects of life, including personal and professional life. The reflection paper must: (1) Include an APA style cover (2) The reference page, and in-text citations. (3) The paper must be at least 3 pages in length (not including cover and reference page. (4) Must be: a. double-spaced b. 12-point font c. Submitted on a Microsoft Word document. (5) Only Turnitin submissions will be accepted. Self-Reflection Paper Due: Saturday by 11:59 pm (Please note: There will be a 10% reduction in grade for each day the paper is late.) Make sure you synthesize course material into your paper (information from the eText and additional resources is expected). In writing your paper, please address the questions below. 1. Identify yourself and your family in respect to your culture/ethnicity, and be as specific as possible. For example, South Korean rather than Asian; or Cuban rather than Latino. 2. Discuss the impact of your ethnic identity on your daily life and your development as a person. Discuss times when your ethnicity became a source of pride and times when it may have been a challenge? 3. Discuss how your ethnicity plays out in your work life? 4. How do your cultural experiences relate to specific topics and concepts discussed in the chapter and additional resources? 5. How would you create a workplace training program that enhances sensitivity to and acceptance of cultural diversity? What would it look like? Be specific.

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Time and again, I feel proud to be an Indian, born, and living in America for three generations now. From both sides, my grandparents had come over to Brooklyn many summers ago, and even though my parents were born in India, I have been born here and have been to India only for vacations. However, I am proud of my roots, and my family has always ensured that none of us siblings forget our true identity.